Friday, April 1, 2011

Alderney - Why Think of Anywhere Else?

Alderney  -  Why Think of Anywhere Else?
With a global combination of natural disasters and economic recession, there is much to be said for living in a temperate climate with the added bonus of benefiting from a low tax jurisdiction.
We could well be talking about Alderney – in fact we are.
Alderney is in the delightful situation of being almost the “forgotten isle”. Yet we are only a 45 minute air flight from Southampton, just 8 miles from the French coast and close enough for a day’s shopping trip to both Guernsey and Jersey – and our climate is generally warmer than that of the UK!
So why look elsewhere for a place to live and work? Then think again of some of our other advantages to whet your appetite – no Capital Gains Tax, no Inheritance Tax, no VAT and 20% Income Tax.
Then wander further down the line. Alderney offers a very safe environment in which to live. It is virtually crime free; it is safe to walk at night. We don’t have “no go areas” – we simply have quality of life, a quality that everyone should enjoy no matter where one lives, yet that quality has been eroded away from so many places in the UK.
At Bell & Co, we have spent the last 30 years offering such quality by introducing this new way of life. We offer a low key and stress free service where no pressure in put on clients – as so often happens everywhere these days in the estate agency business.
Alderney has so much to offer and we at Bell & Co are here to start that process for you – a process that you may wish you had started many years ago! Our team of six are ready to help.

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